Why should I change…I’m comfortable

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

What makes for an overall bad website?  Is it the colors, the layout, the SEO?  All together how do I know that my site, well an easy term to put it, stinks?  Newer and smaller businesses are typically busy bee’s running around trying to do the work of 5 employees.  Who has time to figure out this website, SEO, and social media doo-daa?  I know what you are saying to yourself right now, "will a better website and social media actually help me gain potential prospects?”  A number of websites that I have seen in the past that makes me hit the back button as soon as possible, are sites that have blaring “rocking” music in the background, or have some type of rainbow text rolling across the screen.  Yes, you got my attention, but did you get the right kind of attention?  

Here are a few helpful tips and questions if you are asking yourself if your website needs a refresh.

  • Does your webpage load slow?
  • Is your site mobile-friendly?
  • Is your site too wordy, without any actual real content?
  • Does your navigation make sense?
  • Are search engines picking you up?
  • Is your site up-to-date with content?

If you have said yes to any of these questions, give Xapsis Integrated Marketing a call to go over a free analysis of your website so you can get back to focusing on turning your company good to great.