Help with Social Media

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Seeing a picture of the nieces and nephews in California, talking to friends (for free) miles away, and posting information about you and your interests; these are all examples of Social Media.  The thought of Social Media 20 years ago would have seemed like something you would have seen in a Star Trek movie.  Now Social Media is everywhere around us.  We check our phones to see who’s writing us, who’s following us, or what our next door neighbor is pinning.  Social Media is the Now.

In business, social media can help get your name out into the community and also create a place where people can talk.  A number of times, a company can get lost in the direction or the content.  Here are a few helpful hints on how to grow your business and network effectively. 
  • Always invest in your content and keep up to date.  For example, no one wants to see posts from Christmas time when it’s July.  This makes people question, where have you been?
  • Be happy and Fun – People want to see information that excites the eyes.  Keep your information close to topic, but have fun with it. 
  • If you have any negative comments on your post, do not delete.  You want honesty.  Try to resolve the conflict as fast as you can.  This let’s your followers know you are there and you are listening.
  • Jump onto other pages or corporate sites and post comments. Talking on these, of course with your companies name included, will help get recognition. 
  • Get ideas from all the resources out there.  Personally, my favorite place is Pinterest.  People post the most original material and pictures which can link to informational blogs or sites. 
  • Be true to yourself.  Show the real you when posting. 
  • If you need help with your social media, be sure to find help early enough in the game so you can get your company off to a right start.