Coming Home to a Stocked Fridge...What Could Be Better

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

What would you think if you could always have a stocked fridge to come home to after a long, relaxing vacation?  This virtual fridge is starting as a tester in Gatwick Airport, which could change the way we shop .  How can consumers get their products faster and how can we make it fun and exciting?  These two questions were in the back of their minds when coming up with this technology.  

With the design you see in the picture to the right, a consumer can scan up to 80 bar codes of products.  These products can be scheduled for the specific date of your arrival, so you are welcomed home to a fully stuffed fridge.  Now, if only these foods we buy could cook themselves into a meal by the time we get home, then we're verging on perfection.

“Tesco trials 'virtual fridge' at Gatwick Airport.”   7 Aug 2012. 19 Sept. 2012. <>.