Eliminating “Wealth Blocks” for a Successful 2014

by Stacy Calvert

As 2013 comes to a close, you’re probably already thinking about the positive changes you want to make in the next 365 days. Self-improvement just seems to go hand-in-hand with the changing of the calendar page. If wealth-building is one of your aspirations for 2014, maybe it’s time to do a little “pre-spring cleaning” before crunching numbers and putting precise goals on paper. 

Instead of coming up with a laundry list of business-related tasks right off the bat, consider taking a look at what copywriting guru Dan Kennedy calls the “wealth blocks” standing in your way. A wealth block is something or someone that stops you from achieving the financial outcomes you want.

Whether fear, toxic people, an ineffective marketing plan or inefficient procedures are impeding your progress, the new year is the perfect time to eliminate internal and external negative forces in your business and life. Once you identify roadblocks, Kennedy advises you to be brutal. It can be difficult to cull thought processes, routines and especially people from our lives, since familiarity can make even the most toxic influences seem friendly and comforting.

Getting rid of them is worth the effort, though, according to Dan Kennedy. It’s a truly effective way to make room for people, systems, goals and beliefs that benefit your finances and fit into the bigger picture. Doing so will help you forge a positive new path and prepare for a lucrative, rewarding 2014.

The entire team at Xapsis Integrated Marketing wishes you a happy, prosperous new year!