On the Way to the Milk Aisle

By Molly Grane - Social Media Specialist at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Most of us go to the grocery store once a week to find ourselves in the same routine touring the store, but occasionally we need to make a quick stop to grab an extra gallon of milk.  It’s such a long walk to the back of the store, and have you ever asked yourself why the milk is back there when it’s such a hot commodity? 

In college, one of my Marketing professors asked this question in class.  Do you honestly know why?  When we walk into our grocery mart, we are surrounded with items along the end of isles.  Eye catching produce and goods are screaming out at us, “buy me, buy me!”  And in the midst of it all, you find yourself putting these goods into your cart or basket.  In the end, the person that came up with the idea of it all won. 

Next time you hit the grocery store, really think about the layout of your store.  Ask yourself, why is the bread next to the cookies.  Think about moms that are bringing their children in there.  What items are on the bottom shelves, just in sight for a little one’s view?  You’ll really be intrigued when you start noticing the placement of it all.