The Magic of Marketing

By Molly Grane, Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

One man in history taught America to look towards the future.  This man is my “icon,” my “idol.”  This man is Walt Disney.  Now, how can Walt be one of the many individuals who define America?  Most believe he only created animation for the youth, but Walt Disney had his mind set beyond cartoons, he had it set on technology and the future.

The Multiplane Camera that was invented by Walt Disney brought a real life, dimensional, 3D effect on screen.  If you remember Snow White, which of course most would because it is shown to many children to this day. This is the very first film that demonstrated the multiplane camera.  This technology was way ahead of its time, in which we give credit to the imagination man.  

Now…how does Walt have anything to do with Marketing?  I figured I would touch upon this since that is what we do here at Xapsis Integrated Marketing.  Walt, or to say Disney has branded himself and his company so well that you can’t even think of a mouse without thinking…Mickey Mouse, Disney World, and animation.  Somehow Marketers get lost in the sale of a product and the dollar they have to make today.  Walt might have been great at many things, but Marketing was his niche.  He understood the audience he was reaching out to, and he wanted to touch everyone’s heart with a little magic.

Going back, do you remember “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color?”  I think the best part of the show was Disney talking about the show coming up.  Growing up, I would sit on the couch with my family watching reruns of this show.  You could always see the sparkle Walt Disney had when talking about his company and animations.  You knew then, he was passionate.  Marketing is not just a quick sell; it’s passion.