The Who’s Who of Xapsis Integrated Marketing

By Julie D. Sanders, Director of Client Services at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”. - Henry Ford
Someone once told me that “People Buy People” not products. It just means that people are more apt to buy products and services from someone they like. I get that, in fact at Xapsis we have a pretty great team and they are exceptionally likable. 
Apparently we have gotten so good at this teamwork thing that we tend to merge together in the public’s eyes. We somehow have fused into a nine-headed marketing machine to the rest of the world. So this blog is dedicated to getting to know the people at Xapsis Integrated Marketing and what they do around here.
 “It’s your life. Live it with people who are alive. It tends to be contagious.” – Peter McWilliams

Doug Fouts – 
Managing Director (i.e. The Head Cheese.  The voice of those radio ads.  The all around go-to-guy.)
Doug is nothing you’d expect and everything you need in a Managing Director. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. He is happy digging in and getting his hands dirty with marketing strategy or simply hauling furniture around the office to make sure we each have our own space to create.
On a personal note:  He may (or may not) ACTUALLY believe that superheroes are real and Rush is the greatest band EVER. 

Corey Smith – 
Creative Director (i.e. The creative genius behind the visual side of Xapsis)
Corey has more creativity in his left ankle than most people have in their whole body.  He always has fun and fresh ideas percolating around in his brain. He can whip up a design concept faster than you can say Xapsis Integrated Marketing.
On a personal note: He can often be found on the weekends doing historic portrayals of pioneer men for the Boy Scouts.  (We suspect he just likes to play dress up.)

Julie Sanders – 
Director of Client Services (i.e. Bugging people to get stuff done, writing copy and making sure everyone is still smiling)
That’s me! You aren’t going to get a flowery description because I do have a little modesty (a little).  What I do is make sure the projects stay on the rails. I work closely with the clients, the artists and the programmers that keep the web magic happening.  (Managing Director’s note: I’ll brag on Julie, who I affectionately refer to as Doc, since she won’t do it herself!  Julie’s personality, energy and enthusiasm for Xapsis client projects keep the engine of progress moving forward.  People love working with her, and she loves it when a project comes together on their behalf just perfectly. She’s the vital link between client and production!  –Doug)
On a personal note:  I love pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. (Just kidding)

Tyler Jefford – 
Director of Programming (i.e. The magical wizard of coding, programming and other techy stuff)
Tyler may be new to his position but he has been behind a keyboard since he was a wee one.  He’s is usually the one to discover the latest trends in technology and figure out what mysterious skills are needed to make it happen.
On a personal note:  Tyler likes watching Walking Dead and discussing the gory plot twists the next day with the team. 

Clay Deal – 
Marketing Specialist (i.e. The sales dude with a big heart, a.k.a Clay “Let’s Make A Deal” Deal)
We recruited Clay from Bradley and he has been a fireball of enthusiasm ever since.  He takes the time to analyze what is the best marketing tool for each client, not just sell them a website.
On a personal note:  Clay has a booming radio announcer-type voice and we swear that he may be one day swept away to broadcast your nightly news.

Sueann Hoppock – 
Graphic Designer (i.e. Artistic and creative super woman who keeps the original designs coming)
Sueann is quiet, possibly because she saves her energy for cranking out awesome artwork.  She has created designs for all kinds of websites from hair salons to construction firms. But I have a suspicion she prefers to do artwork for the girlier sites.
On a personal note:  Sharks fascinate her; she loves to watch documentaries about them. If it’s Shark Week on the Discovery Channel we know where she will be!

Larry Ball – 
Programmer (i.e. A person who writes, tests, debugs, and maintain the detailed instructions called computer programs.  Pretty high-tech stuff, huh?)
Larry is new to our team.  He can code a website like a sprinter runs a race.  He is quick, efficient and on task with every project we have given him so far. Welcome Larry!
On a personal note: He is also very proud of his brush with fame when he met both the lead singer and guitar player for Metallica backstage when they toured through Peoria.

Molly Grane -
Marketing Support – (i.e. marketing guru in training)
Right now you can find Molly developing copy for our clients.  Her next step will be to spend time in each of our departments to soak up all the marketing knowledge she can from the team. She is an energetic and fun new addition to Xapsis.
On a personal note: She makes a mean rum cake!

Mark Gleason – 
Programmer (i.e. a person who writes code to create a website – or as I like to call it making a website magically run).
We keep growing and Mark is one our newest employees.  He has found his niche in coding for web pages and we are glad to have him along for the crazy ride that is Xapsis Integrated Marketing.
On a personal note: He loves spending time outdoors camping and going to the Park with his 5-year-old son Dustin.

“Be personal. Be relevant. Be specific.” – Seth Godin