Google…always changing, always growing (Part 2)

By Molly Grane- Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

What search engine do you use the most?  Growing up, I always went to the trusty  Does this search engine even exist anymore?  Google has dominated the market with their search engine, so what have they done to set themselves apart from their competitors? 
Google is making their search engine very user friendly and is asking the user, what are you really looking for?  In previous news, Google is incorporating a technology called “semantic search,” which is a process to understand the searchers intent.  What does this mean for you?  It is typical for search engines to look for keywords within a webpage.  Now, Google is trying to make sense of what you are looking for using artificial intelligence.  For example, when searching for basketball, keywords will not necessarily be the focus. Instead, Google is putting meaning behind the word basketball and trying to determine what about basketball you are asking.  Are you looking for tickets to a basketball game?  Are you trying to buy a basketball?  Are you looking for rules to the game of basketball? 
The search engine is evolving and getting even smarter, it’s an exciting leap in possibilities of SEO!  Next week, we’ll talk about how semantic search will affect your company and SEO.  Stay tuned. 

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