By Molly Grane- Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing
So you’ve got a brand spanking new website that is fully
Search Engine Optimized for Google.
Great! But then you notice that “Hey, this has been up several days and
I can’t find the website in any Google search”.
What-the-web is going on here?!?
Well, it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. When a new website is officially up and
running, it takes time and patience for Google or any search engine to realize
“I’m here.” Unlike web design or software programming, SEO does not usually produce
results in days. At times this service
can take multiple months because each engines have “spiders” that literally
crawl through the trillion plus websites that are on the worldwide web each
day, so patience is a virtue.
Those spiders are looking for keywords in your copy and
metadata to rank you higher or lower than the next site. So without getting too
technical it is simply a waiting game to get your website on the hierarchy of
each of the search engines.
If you do want to get technical…how does SEO work? Here is a
good way to visualize it:
Each search engine has its own process and the developers
themselves closely guard it. Soon, we
will see a change in Google, in fact they are currently working through a
process called semantic search, which will change the way a search is responded
to. Look for part 2 next week
(Google…always changing, always growing).
For more detailed information on how SEO works, visit: