(Part 3) Google…how will semantic search affect my company and SEO?

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Summing up from previous blogs, Google is always changing the way we, well let’s say it, Google.  In 2012, Google started implementing a different way we search.  However, there are two questions that are typically asked: how will these changes affect my business’s rankings and how will potential customers search me? Although the specifics are not complete, the traditional keyword placement is changing.  To gain a higher ranking in Google, it’s going to take a little more than that.  The focus with semantic search is putting meaning behind the keywords in your text and creating context specifically around those keywords.

Right now it might seem scary at the thought of Google missing you.  Let me put this thought to rest.  Even though this change might mean a few modifications on your websites SEO, this change also helps in the elimination of Black Hat SEO.  This is a method used to manipulate keywords to gain higher rankings.  To get a better idea of this, I would like to point out a few examples.  Using unrelated keywords in your copy, using small or hidden text, and cloaking (this is a trick used to gain extra clicks on their site by advertising on another site and then once clicked, they are completely not who they stated to be). These are dishonest ways to lure visitors.  With the update of Google’s semantic search, this technique will not rate the same and their index rankings will drop dramatically because of the techniques they have used will not have the same value.  Here at Xapsis, we have done a number of SEO projects and are up to date on our methods.  If you need any help with your current website and SEO, the Xapsis Team is here to help.