Are you making the right impression?

By Sueann Hoppock - Graphic Designer at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

You know that place in your house where you throw all your junk and clutter when company is coming over? It could be a drawer, a closet, or in my case, a whole spare room, where I can throw all the clutter and just close the door…out of sight, out of mind. Why do we do this? Well, not just because we don’t want others to know we’re a slob, we do it because we want to make a good impression.
Shouldn’t this philosophy be applied to your business as well? And I don’t just mean the physical space of your business, but also the collateral that you put out there that helps make that impression to all your potential customers, like ads or a website.
I worked for a newspaper many years ago and the one thing that I heard more than anything from clients that just drove me nuts was “I’m paying for this ad space so I want to fill it up with as much information as possible” and despite my best efforts to dissuade them, that’s exactly what they would do. They were thinking about their ad space in terms of dollars spent, not dollars earned. Who wants to read a little ad filled to the brim with type? Nobody…so their message and their potential revenue were lost.
That’s why design is so important. A good designer knows how to use white space, images, and copy to create a look for your business that is eye-catching, informative, and a true reflection of what your company stands for. That’s the kind of design we can do for you at Xapsis. So close the door on your clutter and give us a call today!