Mood Boarding

By Corey Smith - Creative Director at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

You have a GREAT IDEA.
You can picture it in your mind, clear as day. It makes total sense. So... how do you express this idea to others? How do you instill confidence that your idea is the way to go? How can you do this without spending a lot of time, money, and energy?

The answer may be as simple as Mood Boarding!
What's a "Mood Board"? Well, let's take a little quiz. Is it:

         A. Dude, it's a new surfboard craze in California?

         B. An emo-inspired skateboard?

         C. A popular hippy board game from the 60's?

         D. A creative process to help visualize your ideas?

If you answered "D" then give yourself a gold star and a pat on the back. You are correct! Think of Mood Boards as a stepping stone in the creative process. You have an idea but don't want to spend a lot of time developing it into a fully fleshed out final project until you can get a buy-in from your coworkers, friends, clients, etc. The quickest method of visually conveying these ideas to others is through a Mood Board.

Mood Boards are basically posters (digital or printed) that consist of photos(pulled from magazines or the internet), design elements, color swatches, typography samples(fonts), and key phrases that describe the "mood" of the project. Mood Boards are used to set the style and tone, or general feel and look prior to diving head-first into a final detailed design. Each Mood Board should have its individual style, with all the elements fitting together into one cohesive direction. Think of it as brainstorming on paper, experimenting with different styles and elements without being limited to specific parameters(like layout) that will come later in the process. I think you'll discover that Mood Boards will help streamline your creative design process and will help your audience focus on the initial overall idea, rather than getting lost or hung up on the details of the layout in the early phases of your project.