Web Coding Standards and Search Engine Optimization

By Larry Ball - Web Developer at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

In a website project, web developers have the most control over how a design is implemented, the user interface usability, and accessibility features. Coding to "web standards" actually affects how a site or web document ranks on search engines. These "best practices" are an integral part of our development strategy and process at Xapsis.

The difference between a custom, hand-coded website and a template or outsourced website include:

• Standards based structural markup vs outdated layout strategies and non-semantic markup

• Externally linked presentation factors (i.e., the design) vs content and presentation are united (making changes and adaptation impossible)

• Externally linked behavioral features (i.e., the user interface) vs. content and interface behavior coalesced into a mess programmers refer to as "spaghetti code"

The search engine, such as Google, cannot "see" design or behaviors, it can only index content. That is why we code sites to stand on their own structurally exposing your content for maximum results.

This is just one reason why our sites rank high on search engines, and it is the foundation for connecting your business to your customers.

I invite you to learn about the Xapsis difference at http://www.xapsis.com/difference