The Psychology of Colors

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

The world is full of colors, from the Caribbean ocean to the volcanic action in Hawaii.  These colors can take us away and give us the serenity that we need, and in that same sense, these colors can make us more agitated, quicker to jump.   Colors, as you could say, hold secret powers, ones to which control how we think, how we act, and how we feel. 
Picture this…You are in Bora Bora, can you imagine the colors around you?  Can you see the greens, the blues, the whites, and the earth-tones?  Instantly, you feel calm, relaxed, almost like all the stresses in the world have melted off your shoulders.  The reason for this is because these colors are linked to lowering ones’ blood-pressure, which aids for the feelings one produces. 

On the other side, there are reds, blacks, yellows.  Ones that excite our minds into thinking something dangerous or intense is about to happen.  Bold colors, such as these, awaken our brains and say…”let’s do something fun today.”  Las Vegas is a key example, by taking the concept and using it for their advantage.  They have implemented a numerous amount of red lights based on the study of the color red.  

Another example, relating colors to marketing and branding, is logos.  One of the most recognizable symbols in America, even kids know what lies behind this symbol, can you guess it?  Of course, it’s McDonalds.  The yellow arches of McDonalds were not used because of the color mustard or any type of food item you would eat here.  Yellow is typically used to portray excitement, cheerfulness, and optimism.  Taking these notes into consideration, look around at the world around you and ask yourself what these colors mean to you.  The next time you go shopping, look at the graphics on the walls and the colors they use.  Do these colors inspire you, what do they make you feel?  Are you more likely to buy in a section that has been inspired by this “color psychology?”  Take this into consideration, it will certainly shock you the next time you go out and ask yourself these questions.