The Devil Is In The Details

By Doug Fouts - Managing Director at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Have you ever heard the phrase “The devil is in the details”, or some variation thereof?
If you have, did you know that the original idiom was actually “God is in the detail”? 
Many individuals have been attributed with being the first to say “God is in the detail” including the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, art historian Aby Warburg and even Madame Bovary author Gustave Flaubert.  All these people lived around the late 1800s well into the 1900s, however the first known printing of the saying changed to “The devil is in the details” is in 1975, which makes me ask why did the statement get altered?
I tried to research a bit, in order to answer that question, and I can’t find a good explanation, but I think I have come to my own conclusion.  The devil is in the details because, it is the details that we so often overlook in the busyness of our everyday lives, and we usually suffer detrimental consequences because of it. 
Details can be the downfall of customer service efforts. The details can mean life or death when it comes to surgery, being audited when it comes to taxes, or whether you get a medal in the Olympics. In this day and age they can be the difference between your business surviving or thriving.  Details, all too often, play the role of a stumbling block that trips us up.  Which when we fail we need to take this into consideration.
In our business we talk to many companies and business owners that are struggling to understand the difference between:
  • True Custom Web Design and Development Vs. A Customized WordPress Template
  • Having an IT firm develop your website Vs. Having a MARKETING firm develop your website
  • A cheap solution Vs. An affordable solution
  • Pretty design Vs. Effective Design
  • Brand Awareness Vs. Brand Engagement 
The key to understanding what separates each option really lies many times in seemingly small details, but those details can mean the difference between your businesses marketing being highly successful, or an exercise in futility and frustration!  In fact, Xapsis has set up a website that directly addresses these minute details, and you can view it at
When you pay attention to the details the results can truly be divine, when you ignore them the results can be devilishly devastating.  Paying close attention to the minute, yet important, differences in your decision making, whether for your business or personally, can often mean the difference between being an inspirational success story…or a cautionary tale.