Change the way you shop

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Picture this...when you walk into your favorite retail store, the first place you step is in front of a 7 foot tall clear touchscreen that will read your dimensions to find your perfect line of clothes in that particular store.  Sound too futuristic, on the contrary.

With augmented shopping, it would change the shoppers experience and drive sales for retailers. To create this ultimate shopping experience, this technology includes a camera built into the top of the device to scan the users measurements.  One thought behind the augmented reality shopping experience is to highlight clothes by size or by the items that are on sale. These highlights can be downloaded to your smartphone onto that particular store's user friendly map.  However, this is only a concept from Intel, but these types of augmented reality shopping experiences are on their way.

For more information on this augmented shopping visit: