Don't Overlook Typography

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Typography can speak volumes in an ad, logo, or web design.  It’s the who, the what, the creation that defines your brand.  To show an example of the weight of importance typography holds when used in a logo, I found this logo design on  

What does this image portray?  It might look pretty, but does it represent the real message? Some names associated with the word Truck are –“rugged, sturdy, or stable.”  Also, why was the word RED created with black coloring and the Truck with the red? It might be attractive and elaborate, but does your logo represent your message or company well. 

Here is a better example of the logo “Red Truck.”

The focus has now been turned on the word "truck," the colors have been flipped, and the style has been altered.  This logo is now ready to communicate the true message to the public.  

Typography can be overlooked at times, but these are the words that catch your readers eyes.  When you only have a few seconds to make an impression, why not make that impression strong and to the point?  

 “The Power of Typography in Designs.”   15 May 2009. 5 Sept. 2012. <>.