Music Brain

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

In every instance in life, music is there, from eating at our favorite restaurant to working out.  We use this tool for many reasons: getting over something that hurt us, to pushing harder, to clearing our mind.  Is music a miracle worker?   Studies have shown that parts of the brain are stimulated when listening to music, and these areas are responsible for memory, language, and emotional responses.  Have you ever had a teacher play Mozart when taking a test?  Did you perform better?  It’s always interesting on how these small factors can play a huge role in our life. 
When you walk into a store, do you notice the music playing?  Typically most stores have some type of music playing based on the clientele they are trying to reach.  Ronald Milliman did a study, which examined the effects of music on buyer behavior.  This study showed that shoppers stayed longer and spent 38% more when slower music is being played rather than faster.  Why is that?  Could it be linked to creating a relaxing feeling when shopping, which in turn can calm a person down from their hectic everyday lives?

Try a study yourself and see how it plays on your consumers.  Will your customers be enticed to stay longer, browse further?  

“Marketing with Music: Does Music Affect Customer Behavior & Sales.”  Stefan Drew Associates.   1 April 2011. 19 Oct. 2012. <>.