Just a Little Bit Stronger?

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Growing up, we go through many lessons in life.  Can you remember your parents telling you these phrases; “sit up straight, we only accept A’s in this house, or eat your vegetables.”  Yes, these are common words that pop out of a parent’s mouth because we can only wish the best and teach the best as our children age.  Aren't we missing something though?  Shouldn't teaching our children the lessons of strength and confidence be one of our main focuses? 

Confidence is not an attribute we all inherit, I should know because that characteristic completely passed me.  Especially when we discuss business and working in the business world, confidence needs to radiate from our very core.  Even though I do not possess an ounce of sureness, I do however believe we can bypass this weary feeling and move on.

Here is some great advice I found on WikiHow, getting you on the right track to conquering your self-confidence issues.

  • Look at yourself, what are your weaknesses?
  • Try and bounce back from mistakes.  Hey, we’re not all perfect.  Mistakes DO happen.
  • On the contrary of your weaknesses, look at your strengths.  If you are like me, then you can look at yourself for a while and ask what are my strengths?  But YES, we all do possess many positive attributes.  Are you funny, can you cook, are you a great speaker, do you have a mind for the creative world?  All of these are amazing qualities that you should be proud of.
  • This one is KEY – be thankful for the blessing we do possess.  Sometimes it’s hard to look at our life and feel thankful of the things we do have instead of the items we don’t.  Be positive, it will come in time. 
Working on these together or one at a time, you are sure to shine a little brighter.  

“How to Build Self Confidence”  wikihow.com   11 Dec 2012. 28 Dec 2012. <http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Self-Confidence>.