How You Look Through Other People's Eyes

By Julie D.Sanders - Director of Client Services at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Disclaimer: This is where I embarrass myself.  In this particular blog post I will both date myself (oldish but not ancient) and also I will reveal my questionable taste in music.  Now that I've got your attention, let’s begin!

I have this song stuck in my head.  I love the song, it reminds me of college and a more carefree time in my life. One particular lyric is swirling around in my brain and has me thinking. It goes like this…

Cinnamon and sugar-y and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
*Song lyrics from Butthole Surfer’s 1996 classic, Pepper – I warned you I had questionable taste in music.

It’s a jiggy tune no doubt, but it is also a reoccurring theme we can’t avoid in both your personal and professional lives. I’d love to say it doesn't matter!  I don’t care what other people think of me! But that would be lies. I couldn't lie to you guys.

But where it really hits home is in business.  How does your business look through other people’s eyes? Sure we think about our professional reputation, but do we look at it from the customer’s perspective?

We often sit down with clients who are perfectly happy with their website style, content, or functionally.  But their customers are having a hard time navigating the website or find it unappealing.  The result is that their website is not getting results because it is not reaching the target audience.  

Here’s some know-how on reaching your current and potential customers:

  • Know Who you are talking to.
    • Are your customers 20-something or 40-something?  It can make a big difference on how the content is written, designs are created, and the overall message.
  • Know How they are reached.
    • Where do they get their information? Online, Radio, Newspaper, Social Media, etc?  It might not be where you want to be reached, but look at it from their standpoint. Shake up your marketing and see if you get a better result from a few new methods. That may mean adding social media to your marketing mix, so be it.
  • Know What they want.
    • You may sell soft drinks, but what your customers want is to quench their thirst. You may sell tires, but what your customers want is to arrive safely at their destination.  Your product is great, but you have to envision how they will use it.

You may never know how you look through over people’s eyes, but you can make sure that you are marketing to them in way that they find interesting, engaging, and motivating.  I think everyone can agree to now sing that tune along with me.