XHTML DTD and XML Schema

By Mark Gleason - Web Developer at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Coming from a guy that is completely over-obsessed with Web Design and Programming, I thought I’d talk about the major differences between XHTML DTD and XML Schema.  One thing that is different is with the different data types. For example the following data types (as shown below) work better with XML Schema over XHTML DTD. The content model of a field set works better with XML Schema than XHTML DTD. XHTML DTDS can only work when the element names are not prefixed, while XML Schema can work regardless of the prefix. XML Schemas do not support entities. To use entities you have to use DTD mechanism. There are also some constraints in XHTML where DTDs can’t verify but XML Schemas can. DTD validation and XML Schema validation are not mutually exclusive. Sometimes authors want to use a little from both, such as using the DTD feature for entities while still taking advantage of the XML Schema validation. They both use different types such as Transitional, Strict and Frameset. With working with both DTDs and Schema, I think DTDs are easier to work with right off the bat when learning these different types. Also, Schema has a more powerful outlook to it and you can manage to do a lot more with it.

  • Color 
  • Coords
  • Character 
  • Date-time 
  • Frame Target 
  • Language Code 
  • Length 
  • Media-desc 
  • Multi-Lengths 
  • Number 
  • Pixels
  • URI