Everyone's a Critic

By Sueann Hoppock - Graphic Designer at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

While attending an Ansel Adams exhibit at a local museum, I found myself drawn to an old newsletter that was among some of the memorabilia on display. It was a plain piece of paper with numerous lines of typeset text. So, why was I drawn to such an ordinary thing in a room full of gorgeous photographs, you might ask? Precisely for that reason, it was the ugliest item in the room and the designer in me immediately began to critique it and think of all the ways I could make it look better.

Everyone is a critic and no offense to Ansel, but I am constantly critiquing everything that comes my way, from junk mail to TV commercials to websites. Your average person may not be as critical as I am, but they know what they like. If they have a bad impression of your website, then they will have a bad impression of your company as well. 

So how would your website hold up under intense scrutiny? Does it have a compelling image or design that draws you in? Does the look of the website complement your company branding? Does it have easy, one-click navigation? How about clear and concise copy or engaging calls to action? 

If you answered no to any of these questions, then you might need Xapsis. We can give your website a critical eye and devise a marketing plan that will take your website from ordinary to extraordinary. Don’t let your website get noticed for the wrong reasons, give us a call today.