Take a Little, but Leave a Little

By Molly Grane - Social Media Specialist at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Typically when I write a blog post, I want the words to mean something to the readers. Whether the topic is – what’s healthy for the brain, inspiring words for the week or a topic that creates stimulation in the mind to do more for the community. This week, I wanted to focus on a company that I feel gives back to the community in more ways than one.

Driving through St. Louis this past week, we stopped at a Panera Bread Co, which happened to be one of the “Pay What You Can” Panera’s. I was instantly intrigued to find out more. The menu consists of one item – turkey chili in a bread bowl, a nutritional and filling item to give to those in need. The mindset behind this offering is “take what you need, but please leave a fair share.” If this is implemented correctly, the hope is to break even.  Currently this model is only located at a few restaurants, but they have hopes that more Panera’s will take up this same belief.


Starting this thought process in the community is only the beginning as more and more restaurants do the same across the United States.