Building That Emotional Attachment

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Why is it that we, as consumers, pick name brands over generic? The answer is simple really, emotions.  Emotions, play a huge role in the decision of buying, well that and really great marketing.  Some of those really well laid out marketing campaigns have led us to a trust in their brand. 

Here’s a great, particularly emotional example of how branding is so important.  When my son was 2 months old (and before he had any of his vaccines) he reached a fever of 103.4.  Questions were rolling in my head, one after another after another of what do I do, what do I do?  I headed straight to my phone and called his pediatrician and ended up reaching an AMAZING nurse.  I thank her to this day and how quickly she responded.  Her response was “grab everything you would need for your son and head to the ER right away.  Also, along the way pick up a bottle of infant’s Tylenol and give that to him to get the fever down.”  Right then I dropped out of terror and picked up everything and headed out the door.  Running through Walgreen's on the way, I looked at Tylenol and Walgreen’s acetaminophen.  Of course, thinking about my child, I needed the best so I went for the Tylenol (the brand I trusted).  In the back of my mind I knew it was all the same, but the name Tylenol gave me peace of mind. 

In the end, we need to build a GREAT brand that creates this type of trust, here I provided a few keys to keep in mind when building the voice of your company.

  • Create your own and Clear Identity
  • Have a Distinct Voice
  • Create Value
  • Be Consistent
  • Create a long-term relationship with the customer
  • Create a Trust

Here at Xapsis, we have a great Team to help build your brand to make it recognizable and consistent with your customers.  If you have questions finding your voice, check us out at and give us a call today.