Creative Health

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Do you ever run into that point where you say to yourself “I just can’t write or I just can’t get my thoughts in order, I think I might be losing my brain?”  We've all been through these mental blocks that hold us back, which in turn can create frustration, a sense that we are losing who we are and what we are doing.  For me particularly, I lose all sense of direction pertaining to writing.  I know it gets to that point for writers and designers when you can think, I've done it all and I’m just plain stuck.  HELP!!!

What I’m going to get into next might be a shocker on how to help this mental block.  I’m going to say it, but don’t laugh…food.  Yes, food.  What we put into our body drives certain aspects of the brain to function more clearly, getting those creative juices flowing.  I know you must be asking yourself by now, what are these power foods I speak of?  Most would find this in the produce section of your local grocery store.  Colors are made up of reds, blues, and dark purples.  Have you guessed it yet?  Berries…yup that’s right, berries; those delicious, quick to pop in your mouth yummy, goodness snack. 

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and yes even tomatoes (because if you didn't know a tomato is a fruit, in particular a berry) are rich in antioxidants, which is linked to raising ones’ mental function.  Boy, we learn something new every day.  Now berries are great, but this other creative bursting food might excite the senses a little more.  Chocolate!!! That yummy, gooey, melt in your mouth chocolate.  Well, unfortunately I’m not talking about milk chocolate, but dark, dark, dark chocolate.  But why dark?  Since chocolate is made from a plant, it is closely related to the same health benefits of darker vegetables; rich in antioxidants and high in creative power.  Now I’m not saying, go out eat tons and tons of chocolate, but a few bites a day can help keep the mind fog away. 

There are many foods to help boost brain activity in a positive way, such as fish (which are high in omega 3, very good for the brain) nuts, eggs, avocado, broccoli, and spinach.  The list is forever long, but to keep one’s mind healthy, these foods are the key to unlock the door to the creativity that lies behind.