Red, Purple, and Green, OH MY!

By Sueann Hoppock - Graphic Designer at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

I'm sure you've heard that colors can affect your mood, but did you know that colors can also affect how you interact with a website? A good website should have one or more call to action buttons that engage your visitor, prompt them to take action and interact more fully with your site. But what is the best way to get your visitors to click these buttons? The answer may lie in the color that you choose.

Red: By far the most eye-catching color is red. It is strong, intense and sends a signal of urgency to the viewer that makes them take notice. It's association with love instills passion and excitement in the viewer and spurns them to action. Look around and you will see red used everywhere from Sale signs to emergency vehicles. Red's intensity can be overwhelming though, so be sure to use it sparingly for the fullest effect.

Orange: If you still want eye-catching color, but less urgency, orange is your color. It's energizing warmth will still draw your attention, but the toned down intensity will feel much friendlier and cheerful.

Green: Though it is often associated with environmental issues, green can also be a good color to use in any design for it's calm and optimistic quality. Green suggests growth and nature, along with money...all good things to promote especially with a retail website and would be good to use for an "Add to Cart" button.

Blue: They don't say "True Blue" for nothing...Blue is the color for choice for many businesses who want their viewers to feel safe and secure. A blue call to action button would make your viewers feel at ease that whatever information they impart to your company will be handled securely.

Purple: With the right shade of purple you get the best of both red and blue. Purple can have the calming effect of blue with the strength of red. A bright purple button would surely draw the viewer's eye and keep them at ease in the process.

So before you design or redesign your next website, take into account how you want the viewer to interact with your site. Do you want them to feel a sense of urgency, calmness or something in between? No matter what you decide, there's a color that will work for you.