To Be or Not to Be...Vanilla

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

If we have a choice in life, why be so VANILLA?

Wouldn't you rather see ice cream, filled with blueberries, raspberries, mint; all the colors and tastes that excite the senses?  As humans, we crave information, and once our brains become starved, boredom sets in.  Have you ever heard the phrase, “you have 7 seconds to grab the attention of a potential consumer?”  The Vanilla Theory follows along with your website.  If you only have these crucial 7 seconds, why not surprise your consumer with colors that excite, content that is fitting to your layout; a design that boosts your brain out of starvation mode.  Come and talk to Xapsis today.  We are here to take your site out of the plain, old vanilla and give life back into your site. 

We welcome you to come and visit our portfolio to gain a better view of creating this “eye catching” colorful, 7-second grabber today.