Thanks For Nothing!

By Julie D. Sanders - Xapsis Director of Client Services

I know, I know it’s a pretty negative way to start a blog but keep reading, you may be grateful you did. This time of year people are gushing about the things they are thankful for in their lives.  Honestly that notion gets me all wound up!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an ingrate or a Scrooge I’m an idealist.  I’d like to think that we have reasons everyday to be thankful, but my list may surprise you. I’m appreciative for nothing.

Julie’s List of Nothings to be thankful for:
  • Wasting a day doing NOTHING with my 10 year-old and husband. The kind of nothing that is full of giggles and memories
  • The sound of NOTHING in the middle of night.  The sweet silence of peace in our house.
  • When the doctor says there is NOTHING wrong with your health and your heart races with joy.
  • The NOTHING sound after you let out a deep breath and your body relaxes.
  • Sitting and reading a book with a dog on your lap doing NOTHING, with absolute contentment.

I want to share my gratitude for the times when this crazy busy world slows down (even if it is just for a second). ***Full Disclosure*** I wrote this blog while on a laptop, listening to music on an iPad and checking emails on an iPhone, so you can see why I enjoy the quiet times.  Breathe it in and enjoy this moment and have a Happy Thanksgiving from Xapsis!