Just Plain Awkward...Small Talk

 By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Awkward moments, yeah we've all had them, but how do you deal with these moments?  Do you smile, laugh, brush it off, get defensive, keep your head down in the blackberry?  Personally, I’m a little quirky and I possess a defense mechanism unlike most.  I laugh…A LOT!!! 

In business, one of the hardest awkward moments is small talk.  It’s one where we constantly ask ourselves; what do I say, how do I say it, did I say that right?  Constant analyzing is churning in our heads.  However, in business, the awkwardness of small talk is one subject we need to learn to get over.  We are constantly meeting with new clients, talking to them on the phone/in person, or talking to multiple people at events.  Through these encountering’s, it takes preparation and planning to be the master of small talk, and trying to keep that defense system turned off.  The question is how?

-ONE- try and pinpoint what you do in these moments, for example my giggling.  Try and focus on this action and control your impulses. 

-TWO- when you meet someone new, what is the first initial statement that pops out of the mouth?  If you are like me, you say something like this “how are you…good…how are you…good.”  That’s typically where the conversation takes a standstill and it seems as if the whole room engulfs in silence.  With these moments, it’s smart to go in and know the person you are talking to.  Come in prepared with knowledge of the people you are speaking to.  Have questions prepared, try and learn what business they are in prior.

-THREE- go in with that awesome attitude you possess.  People sense a happy, confident person and are attracted talking to them.

-FOUR- if you find yourself in a complete blank, people love compliments, which lead into other topics.

Small talk is hard to master, especially when nervous, but the more prepared and confident you are, you’ll go in with that completely splendid attitude and win over the crowd.