Bring Home The Bacon...and the Jerky

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Have you ever seen the movie, “The Seven Year Itch?”  This movie is most famous for the iconic image of Marilyn Monroe in her white dress, standing over a subway grate.  The movie starts out with the scene of a woman leaving her husband for the summer to go on a vacation.  While gone, the husband has found himself bored, until his new curvy neighbor moves in.  Trying to take his focus away from this curvy distraction, he sets more focus on his work.  Downtown New York, he works as a specialist in brand advertising and marketing.  One of the first scenes you see of him in his office, editing a book cover.  To say the least, he was editing the cover to appeal more of the male gender. 

A lot has changed since the early 1950’s, especially pertaining to gender focus.  Let me ask you, what do you think when you think of jerky?  You know the beef jerky that’s hard to rip your teeth into.  The initial image that pops in my mind is a rough and tough guy sitting outside on a camping trip eating jerky.  Did you know a new brand of jerky was introduced last year?  Bombshell Jerky, a jerky for every woman out there, from flavors of sweet, exotic, spicy, and classic.  One of their tag lines that’s included with the spicy is I like my beef jerky the way I like my men…hot. That’s why I go for the flavors that knock your socks off.”  Each flavor consists of a personality, giving that jerky associated with that behavior a life of its own.  Some would see this and see what personality they have and choose what is associated with that jerky.
More and more, traditionally male-focused businesses are trying to attract the other half.  Another example, a very famous steakhouse, Ruth Chris, has changed their menu items to add more fruity drinks and smaller sized portions, along with ads in many female magazines.  Hooters, a very popular male joint, is changing the decoration within their walls and adding more salad options to the menu. 

Women have turned around the market in the past 20 years, with increases in their jobs and spending abilities.  Along with this, women have turned a market into a new direction because they are the primary shopper.   But is it always smart to just market to one gender?  My opinion is no.  If you notice above, a number of restaurants and businesses have joined forces with both, supplying what each gender truly desires.  It’s the yin with the yang.  To create an overall presence with both, we need to market to both.