Rejection & Creativity

By Corey Smith - Creative Director at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

We've all had one of those days. A client doesn't like your idea, decides not to work with your business or sends back never-ending revisions on a project. How do you respond to rejection? Do you curl up in a fetal position whimpering, or does it drive you to work harder and become more driven?

Rejection happens in all aspects of life, and when it does, you need to take control of it and use it to your advantage. It's how you respond to rejection that makes the difference. The biggest mistake is to view rejection as failure. Think of rejection as a personal challenge, not failure. Rejection can help you see a project with new eyes and in new ways, as well as force you to listen to your client's needs, ask the right questions, and learn from your experiences.

Research suggests that rejection can enhance your creativity, depending on how you respond to it. Instead of focusing on the anger, pain, or fear of rejection, use that emotion to redefine yourself and enhance your abilities.  Use it as motivation to explore new ideas and push yourself in new directions.  
To read more on how Rejection Breeds Creativity, be sure to check out this link.