In Need of Marketing, but Financially....?

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

When starting a new company, every turn and corner can be overwhelming.  Questions are always arising, and financially money gets tighter and tighter.  Eventually the thought of marketing is put on the back-burner until the resources become available.  Have you ever heard the saying, financially you can never be ready for a baby?  The same applies in business; you can go round and round in a circle with justifications why to not have a marketing plan, but as the wheel turns, how do you expect to achieve revenue if the word is not reaching potential clients? 

Answering the question of how will I achieve money for a marketing plan, one must think outside the box.  I have been asked this question in the past, and a few solutions that one might look into include financial support, such as donations.  Along with donations, think of ways to raise the money.  A local community center I know is expanding their square footage; they thought outside the box and gained almost all the money themselves before asking members for donations.  How they went about asking for money is also rather unique.  They decided to do a contest of which workout class they love the most and each one has their own dollar chart which moves up when someone donates.  Of course, people are competitive, in return drives the proceeds.  These are just a few examples to think of, but of course there are many solutions in creating money for marketing.  

At Xapsis, we are here to work with you.  We look into your business and see what can take you to the next level to show the world what you have already created.  Being an Integrated Marketing Company, we focus on it all.  From websites, to ads, to social media, we are here to be your Marketing Source.  If you find yourself in this situation and are in need of a marketing company, call us today!  We are here to help.