3 Factors For Students Looking For A Creative Job

By Tyler Jefford - Director of Programming at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

In the past few months, I have had the opportunity to talk to a few students about the role of being in a creative career. In all the discussions I have had, a recurring question came up; “What would you say is the most important thing for a college student to do, to prepare themselves for a creative job?”.

I see the most important factor being in a creative role, is to never stop learning. Even while you are in classes, it is important to push the envelope within the class and just as important push yourself to do new things to expand your abilities.

I follow that answer up with a few other points that are important to keep in mind when seeking a creative role in any company. Network with other students and practicing professionals. Not only will this encourage collaboration, but you will put your name and reputation in front of those who may be looking for new talent.

The third point I try to convey is that it is never early enough to start putting together a resume and portfolio. A showcase of your work is very important to a creative team looking to hire. A quote that I love from Henry Ford is “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”.