Wanna Buy A Puppy?

By Clay Deal - Integrated Marketing Specialist at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Are you using social media for your small to mid-sized business?  In some way, shape, or form, you should be.  I am not saying that every single business needs to have a Facebook page, a YouTube Channel, a Blog, Google +,Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, Flickr, MySpace, Instagram, Tumblr, Viddy, etc.  But just about all businesses can use one or more of these channels effectively and efficiently.

Also, I’m not saying that using one of these social media channels will be the cure-all for your marketing or advertising needs, but if they are used correctly and with a purpose, they can definitely help your cause.  Social media serves as an online meeting place to build community around your brand and product.  It also allows the smaller businesses the opportunity to level the playing field, so to speak, against the larger competitors.  Your small business may not be able to afford multiple billboards in the high traffic areas of town.  But when it comes to Facebook, your price is the same as Coca-Cola’s for a 851x3125 Timeline Cover Photo or a 180x180 Facebook profile picture.  And Coca-Cola must abide by the exact same set of rules for these pictures as your small business.

How do I know these social media channels work? Clients and personal experience. I sold two puppies through Facebook, a Blog, and YouTube.  The first puppy was sold simply by asking a friend to “Like” my puppy business page.  She had been looking into buying a puppy for her family and it just so happened we had our litter at the time she was looking.  How many customers could you potentially gain by just getting your business and services in front of your friends and family through another marketing medium?

The second puppy was sold because of another business, Julie’s Corner Store in Lacon, IL.  The owner of this store, Julie, has a huge social media presence, which she became infatuated with one of my puppies and made it her own personal mission to find this one a good home. Through her mission and sharing my YouTube videos, Facebook statuses, and Blog posts, my last little puppy found a home with an acquaintance of hers.  How powerful is that, having another business with a bigger reach expanding your cause? Online networking through social media can increase your potential audience exponentially.

Develop a plan to use social media, and commit to that plan.  Don’t follow it halfway, and then claim it didn't work.  In all honesty, there are time investments required, but the long-term rewards are worth it.  If you find yourself with the questions of: where to go, how to start, what campaigns to run, what goals should I set?  Don't worry, we can help.  Contact Julie’s Corner Store  online or on Facebook  for all of your fudge, wine, or toy needs. Contact Xapsis today for all your puppy, I mean social media needs.