Company Wellness

By Molly Grane - Marketing Support at Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Throughout the past 5 years, a number of companies have changed their focus to the health benefits they offer their employees.  Wellness plans started gaining awareness, along with adding corporate gyms.  The thought behind a healthier workforce proved to be worth the initial cost incurred to get the plan started.  Thinking of the future began to be in the forefront of their minds.

Not only does the health action benefit the employee, but also the employers.  For example, employers could be reaping the benefits in areas such as:
  •  Higher Productivity/ Motivation- Exercise increases overall work productivity by being able to clear your mind and also reduce ones' stress.
  •  Less Sick Days- Employees are more likely to be and stay healthy when working out, or who participate in a wellness plan, which mean fewer absences, resulting in reducing company costs.   
  •  Less Insurance Claims- When employees take up a healthier lifestyle, the body follows and fortunately less insurance claims are typically made.