Jennifer Johnson

By Jennifer Johnson - Integrated Marketing Specialist

Hello, my name is Jennifer Johnson and I am very excited to be the newest member of the Xapsis team.   I have a Bachelors Degree from Northern Illinois University and have over five years of sales and marketing experience.  I will be working alongside Doug Fouts and Clay Deal, as well as the rest of the Xapsis team, as an Integrated Marketing Specialist.  

Xapsis has gone to great lengths to design our products and services from the most current market research to offer small to mid-sized businesses a unique and competitive product that will help every client reach their desired demographic.  Today is officially my fourth day and, I must say I am overwhelmed with the amount of genuine talent and expertise that our creative department has.  They are able to turn any idea or concept into a remarkably compelling design while fulfilling the clients needs at the same time.  

I have learned that as a consumer when browsing the web we (statistically) allow roughly 7 seconds to be, “wowed” before moving onto another one of the other hundreds of options Google spoils us with.  What does this mean?  

The seven best practices of web design are vital:

  1. Positioning.  The positioning on any  website must be clear, concise and compelling in both image and copy, it must convey a competitive advantage in a high impact manner.   
  2. Image.  How does a website reflect the image we want customers to perceive?  It is important to have an appealing image that will attract any businesses targeted demographic. 
  3. One Click Navigation.  Drop down sub-navigational menus make it easy for people to find exactly what they are looking for right off of the home page in one click, instead of following a series of clicks only to discover they have only jumped off the desired trail.  
  4. Dynamic Content.   Photo gallery with update capabilities, special consumer offers, and online newsletter, testimonials, a What’s New Page, current events or even Press Releases and Awards, it is essential that there are dynamic sections on your website. 
  5. Traffic.  Search Engine Optimization as well as leveraging current marketing tools, creating direct mail or email campaigns, trade show materials, multimedia presentations or tying into an new or existing brand there are many ways to get people to notice a company’s web presence. 
  6. Call To Action.  Once a potential customer/client has been driven to the website, and if the branding and positioning message has done its job, there must be a logical and simple next step in responding and contacting the company itself. 
  7. Sales Tool.  This item is really the culmination of all of the six preceding best practices, if everything is in place the revenue will come and the site will be the gateway.  

This is the nutshell version of how, we at Xapsis, look to design our websites.  I am very proud to join a staff that is dedicated and willing to making every clients marketing needs a creative, trendy product that will make an impact on their business and increase revenue.